
Our Governance services include governance reviews, Trustee training and support, policy development and crisis intervention to help equip Boards to carry out their duties effectively, and provide hands-on support when it is needed.

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"Lichfield Garrick Theatre recently collaborated with Felicia to undertake a Governance Review, create a prioritised Governance Development Plan, deliver Trustee training and produce a Governance Policy suite. As CEO, I found Felicia incredibly easy to work with, and appreciated the insight, realism and sensitivity she brought to the difficult job of exploring where we might need to change our governance culture and processes to meet the changing needs of our charity. Feedback from our Trustees was also uniformly positive, with our Board enthusiastically adopting the recommendations she made. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Felicia to any small/medium size charity looking for external help to review and improve its governance arrangements."

Daniel Buckroyd

Artistic Director and CEO, Lichfield Garrick Theatre
"Felicia did a fantastic job drawing together key governance change insights for us, and more importantly, advocating them effectively to the board. We appreciated her thorough approach, her clear insights and her impactful communication."
John Fitzgerald

Chair, Joseph Rountree Charitable Trust

Governance Review

External governance reviews are now expected for all charities that are serious about good governance. We offer a detailed, comprehensive service that offers concrete next steps for your Board's professional development.

Our review uses a detailed approach that examines every element of your Board's functioning and reflects all the expected standards including the Charity Governance Code, the Essential Trustee, the Code of Fundraising Practice and more.

We interview directly every member of the Board and senior managers to ensure a three-dimensional view, enabling discussion and questions to be asked so the process ensures learning as well as a detailed assessment.

Trustee Training

A responsible Board provides regular training to all its Trustees – experienced and new. So many changes happen in the sector every year that are essential to stay on top of to ensure you're meeting your legal duties. This training can be delivered onsite or remotely. 

Board development days

Effective boards need to spend time on their own development - thinking about how they can create the right environment for constructive challenge, what they do to best support their staff team, and whether they are falling into groupthink or other challenges. These development days are in-person workshops run to meet your development needs as a Board - and help you to be the best Trustees and Board that you can.

"We invited Felicia to help us with parts of our current strategic thinking which has included a review of our grant processes. Her report has been thorough and has clearly shown extensive knowledge of charitable funding. She is extremely professional in her approach and has gone out of her way to encourage staff to contribute to the process. We have no hesitation in recommending her to other funders."
Valerie Hopkins

Chair, Richmond Parish Lands Charity